Call Center

Keep your customers happy. Mine interactions across all touch points to get a 360-degree view of your customer base. Learn what’s hot and what’s not.

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Aggregate and mine customer interactions for business intelligence to help improve the enterprise.’s Call Center Analytics platform aggregates and analyzes 100% of cross-channel customer conversations from telephone calls, social media posts, emails, and chat transcripts to provide executives with a 360-degree view of their customer experience.  By tapping into customer conversations, to extract--- and quantify key topics, brand executives can be alerted to trends affecting the customer base that may indicate a problem is on the rise.  Conversation mining makes for more informed business decisions by gathering direct input from customers, analyzing shifts in sentiment by channel or product, and identifying possible issues with production, logistics or customer service that may lead to returns or churn..  With’s Call Center Analytics platform, it’s easy to draw comprehensive insights from customer interactions with no additional manual resources or costly integrations.

  • Use voice analytics to find meaningful interactions – Efficiently search important calls and videos to unlock valuable assets hidden in the countless conversations that happen every day.
  • Transform data into actionable intelligence – Uncover more interactions in a cost-effective manner, then transform this data into meaningful, actionable intelligence.
  • Detect potential issues early - Automated real-time discovery of target keywords and critical comments from client interactions can serve as early warning indicators for shifts in buyer sentiment, behavior, and churn.
  • Make informed decisions - Reduce the chances of false positives, knee jerk reactions, and poorly informed decision-making by accurately measuring customer trends.

Explore conversation details and mine content for hidden feedback and trends.’s Customer Analytics Platform offers deep-dive and drill-down capabilities for mining conversations to provide additional insights into trending topics to reveal unexpected changes in sentiment and keywords across a wide cross-section of products. Every conversation containing any selection of keywords is available for a detailed analysis of important business KPIs including churn risk, brand sentiment, customer satisfaction and more.

Gain Productivity Enhancements from Customer Conversations

Lower Product Returns

Ferret out and address root causes of product returns to quickly stem customer losses and costs from return shipping and management overhead.

Resolve Manufacturing Problems

Quickly spot trending problems like quality flaws or product defects, to prevent minor issues from escalating into poor product ratings and social media reviews

Analyze and Improve Sentiment

Create consistently positive and memorable customer experiences over time by monitoring and interpreting not only what customers say, but how sentiment or feelings impact their journey and brand relationship.

Build Brand Value

Employ deep analysis of brand feedback across channels and provide brand managers with information needed to strengthen brand value, improve messaging and advertising campaign effectiveness, and learn which customers leave and why.

Improve Messaging Consistency

Identify and monitor critical keywords and phrases across customer channels to ensure agents, media, sales, marketing teams and all company content deliver consistent, effective messaging to consumers.

Virtual Focus Groups

Learn from customer interactions by conducting real-time customer research without the overhead, cost, and hassles of hosting in-person focus groups

Increase Lifetime Value

Influence a buyer’s next steps to improve renewal rates or uptake of new products and offers. Personalize customer experiences with feedback from every customer engagement, interaction, or conversation as it happens.

Improve Customer Strategies

Gain a better real-time understanding of consumer perceptions and preferences related to product attributes, pricing, buying criteria, and competitors. Use that intelligence to develop an authentic market- and customer-driven product roadmap.

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ABOUT is a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies for automatic speech recognition (ASR), neural machine translation (NMT), natural language processing/understanding (NLP/U), large language models (LLMs)  and text-to-speech (TTS) technologies. The AppTek platform delivers industry-leading solutions for organizations across a breadth of global markets such as media and entertainment, call centers, government, enterprise business, and more. Built by scientists and research engineers who are recognized among the best in the world, AppTek’s solutions cover a wide array of languages/ dialects, channels, domains and demographics.

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