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About develops engines and solutions for cross lingual communication. is a leader in automatic speech recognition (ASR), neural machine translation (MT), machine learning (ML), natural language understanding (NLU), generative pre-trained transformers (GPT),  large language models (LLM), text-to-speech (TTS) and artificial intelligence (AI).   FAppTek employs one of the most agile, talented teams of ASR, MT, TTS, LLMs, GPT and NLU PhD scientists and research engineers in the world.  Through our advanced research in human language technologies and artificial intelligence, we have solved many challenging problems improving human-quality transcription, language understanding, translation accuracy, synthetic dubbing and generative text.  Our scientists are among the language technology and machine learning industry’s premier experts. Our long-standing affiliations with the world’s leading human language technology universities is central to our continuous introduction of new theories and solutions for automating recognition, translation and communication. Our history of achieving performance goals with our customers across government, global commerce, call centers and media comes from our understanding of their problems and the best application of technology solutions.

Company History and Timeline

eBay acquires AppTek's Hybrid Machine Translation platform for cross-border trade
Launch of new AI platform for ASR
Two Patents for Deep Neural Network Model Advancements
Launch of new AI platform for NMT
Patent for Audio Recognition of Keywords
AppTek Wins Two 2019 SpeechTEK People’s Choice Awards
Hermann Ney, Science Director, granted IEEE's James L Flanagan award for pioneering life-long advancements in speech technology
AppTek merges with Ignite-TEK
SOSi invests in AppTek with minority ownership; Julian Setian named to board of directors
Herman Ney awarded 2021 ISCA medal of Scientific Achievement
Deluxe invests in AppTek with minority ownership and exclusivity into the Media & Entertainment industry
2024 launches ClimateGPT

Recent Academic Research and Publications

Improving Language Model Integration for Neural Machine Translation

June 2023
Christian Herold, Yingbo Gao, Mohammad Zeineldeen, Hermann Ney

The integration of language models for neural machine translation has been extensively studied in the past. It has been shown that an external language model, trained on additional target-side monolingual data, can help improve translation quality. However, there has always been the assumption that the translation model also learns an implicit target-side language model during training, which interferes with the external language model at decoding time. Recently, some works on automatic speech recognition have demonstrated that, if the implicit language model is neutralized in decoding, further improvements can be gained when integrating an external language model. In this work, we transfer this concept to the task of machine translation and compare with the most prominent way of including additional monolingual data - namely back-translation. We find that accounting for the implicit language model significantly boosts the performance of language model fusion, although this approach is still outperformed by back-translation.

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Take the Hint: Improving Diacritization with Partially-Diacritized Text

June 2023
Parnia Bahar, Mattia Di Gangi, Nick Rossenbach, Mohammad Zeineldeen

Automatic diacritization is useful in many applications, ranging from reading support for language learners to accurate pronunciation predictor for downstream tasks like speech synthesis. While most of the previous works focused on models that operate on raw non-diacritized text, production systems can gain accuracy by first letting humans partly annotate ambiguous words. In this paper, we propose 2SDiac, a multi-source model that can effectively support optional diacritics in input to inform all predictions. We also introduce Guided Learning, a training scheme to leverage given diacritics in input with different levels of random masking. We show that the provided hints during test affect more output positions than those annotated. Moreover, experiments on two common benchmarks show that our approach i) greatly outperforms the baseline also when evaluated on non-diacritized text; and ii) achieves state-of-the-art results while reducing the parameter count by over 60%.

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Improving And Analyzing Neural Speaker Embeddings for ASR

January 2023
Christoph Lüscher, Jingjing Xu, Mohammad Zeineldeen, Ralf Schlüter, Hermann Ney

Neural speaker embeddings encode the speaker's speech characteristics through a DNN model and are prevalent for speaker verification tasks. However, few studies have investigated the usage of neural speaker embeddings for an ASR system. In this work, we present our efforts w.r.t integrating neural speaker embeddings into a conformer based hybrid HMM ASR system. For ASR, our improved embedding extraction pipeline in combination with the Weighted-Simple-Add integration method results in x-vector and c-vector reaching on par performance with i-vectors. We further compare and analyze different speaker embeddings. We present our acoustic model improvements obtained by switching from newbob learning rate schedule to one cycle learning schedule resulting in a ~3% relative WER reduction on Switchboard, additionally reducing the overall training time by 17%. By further adding neural speaker embeddings, we gain additional ~3% relative WER improvement on Hub5'00. Our best Conformer-based hybrid ASR system with speaker embeddings achieves 9.0% WER on Hub5'00 and Hub5'01 with training on SWB 300h.

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Self-Normalized Importance Sampling for Neural Language Modeling

June 2022
Zijian Yang, Yingbo Gao, Alexander Gerstenberger, Jintao Jiang, Ralf Schluter, Hermann Ney

To mitigate the problem of having to traverse over the full vocabulary in the softmax normalization of a neural language model, sampling-based training criteria are proposed and investigated in the context of large vocabulary word-based neural language models. These training criteria typically enjoy the benefit of faster training and testing, at a cost of slightly degraded performance in terms of perplexity and almost no visible drop in word error rate. While noise contrastive estimation is one of the most popular choices, recently we show that other sampling-based criteria can also perform well, as long as an extra correction step is done, where the intended class posterior probability is recovered from the raw model outputs. In this work, we propose self-normalized importance sampling.Compared to our previous work, the criteria considered in this work are self-normalized and there is no need to further conduct a correction step. Through self-normalized language model training as well as lattice rescoring experiments, we show that our proposed self-normalized importance sampling is competitive in both research-oriented and production-oriented automatic speech recognition tasks.

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Efficient Training of Neural Transducer for Speech Recognition

June 2022
Wei Zhou, Wilfried Michel, Ralf Schluter, Hermann Ney

As one of the most popular sequence-to-sequence modeling approaches for speech recognition, the RNN-Transducer has achieved evolving performance with more and more sophisticated neural network models of growing size and increasing training epochs. While strong computation resources seem to be the prerequisite of training superior models, we try to overcome it by carefully designing a more efficient training pipeline.In this work, we propose an efficient 3-stage progressive training pipeline to build highly-performing neural transducer models from scratch with very limited computation resources in a reasonable short time period. The effectiveness of each stage is experimentally verified on both Librispeech and Switchboard corpora. The proposed pipeline is able to train transducer models approaching state-of-the-art performance with a single GPU in just 2-3 weeks. Our best conformer transducer achieves 4.1%WER on Librispeech test-other with only 35 epochs of training.

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Automatic Learning of Subword Dependent Model Scales

June 2022
Felix Meyer, Wilfried Michel, Mohammad Zeineldeen, Ralf Schluter , Hermann Ney

To improve the performance of state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition systems it is common practice to include external knowledge sources such as language models or prior corrections. This is usually done via log-linear model combination using separate scaling parameters for each model. Typically these parameters are manually optimized on some held out data.In this work we propose to use individual scaling parameters per subword output token. We train these parameters via automatic differentiation and stochastic gradient decent optimization similar to the neural network model parameters.We show on the LibriSpeech (LBS) and Switchboard(SWB) corpora that automatic learning of two scales for a combination of attention-based encoder-decoder acoustic model and language model can be done as effectively as with manual tuning. Using subword dependent model scales which could not be tuned manually we achieve 7% improvement on LBS and 3%on SWB. We also show that joint training of scales and model parameters is possible and gives additional 6% improvement onLBS.

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Improving the Training Recipe for a Robust Conformer-based Hybrid Model

June 2022
Mohammad Zeineldeen, Jingjing Xu1, Christoph Luscher, Ralf Schluter, Hermann Ney

Speaker adaptation is important to build robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. In this work, we investigate various methods for speaker adaptive training (SAT) based on feature-space approaches for a conformer-based acoustic model(AM) on the Switchboard 300h dataset. We propose a method, called Weighted-Simple-Add, which adds weighted speaker information vectors to the input of the multi-head self-attention module of the conformer AM. Using this method for SAT, we achieve 3.5% and 4.5% relative improvement in terms of WERon the CallHome part of Hub5’00 and Hub5’01 respectively.Moreover, we build on top of our previous work where we proposed a novel and competitive training recipe for a conformer based hybrid AM. We extend and improve this recipe where we achieve 11% relative improvement in terms of word-error-rate(WER) on Switchboard 300h Hub5’00 dataset. We also make this recipe efficient by reducing the total number of parameters by 34% relative.

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Equivalence of Segmental and Neural Transducer Modeling: A Proof of Concept

June 2021
Wei Zhou, Albert Zeyer, André Merboldt, Ralf Schlüter, Hermann Ney

With the advent of direct models in automatic speech recognition (ASR), the formerly prevalent frame-wise acoustic modeling based on hidden Markov models (HMM) diversified into a number of modeling architectures like encoder-decoder attention models, transducer models and segmental models (direct HMM). While transducer models stay with a frame-level model definition, segmental models are defined on the level of label segments, directly. While (soft-)attention-based models avoid explicit alignment, transducer and segmental approach internally do model alignment, either by segment hypotheses or, more implicitly, by emitting so-called blank symbols. In this work, we prove that the widely used class of RNN-Transducer models and segmental models (direct HMM) are equivalent and therefore show equal modeling power. It is shown that blank probabilities translate into segment length probabilities and vice versa. In addition, we provide initial experiments investigating decoding and beam-pruning, comparing time-synchronous and label-/segment-synchronous search strategies and their properties using the same underlying model.

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On Sampling-Based Training Criteria for Neural Language Modeling

April 2021
Yingbo Gao, David Thulke, Alexander Gerstenberger, Khoa Viet Tran, Ralf Schlüter, Hermann Ney

As the vocabulary size of modern word-based language models becomes ever larger, many sampling-based training criteria are proposed and investigated. The essence of these sampling methods is that the softmax-related traversal over the entire vocabulary can be simplified, giving speedups compared to the baseline. A problem we notice about the current landscape of such sampling methods is the lack of a systematic comparison and some myths about preferring one over another. In this work, we consider Monte Carlo sampling, importance sampling, a novel method we call compensated partial summation, and noise contrastive estimation. Linking back to the three traditional criteria, namely mean squared error, binary cross-entropy, and cross-entropy, we derive the theoretical solutions to the training problems. Contrary to some common belief, we show that all these sampling methods can perform equally well, as long as we correct for the intended class posterior probabilities. Experimental results in language modeling and automatic speech recognition on Switchboard and LibriSpeech support our claim, with all sampling-based methods showing similar perplexities and word error rates while giving the expected speedups.

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The Impact of ASR on the Automatic Analysis of Linguistic Complexity and Sophistication in Spontaneous L2 Speech

April 2021
Yu Qiao, Zhou Wei, Elma Kerz, Ralf Schlüter

In recent years, automated approaches to assessing linguistic complexity in second language (L2) writing have made significant progress in gauging learner performance, predicting human ratings of the quality of learner productions, and benchmarking L2 development. In contrast, there is comparatively little work in the area of speaking, particularly with respect to fully automated approaches to assessing L2 spontaneous speech. While the importance of a well-performing ASR system is widely recognized, little research has been conducted to investigate the impact of its performance on subsequent automatic text analysis. In this paper, we focus on this issue and examine the impact of using a state-of-the-art ASR system for subsequent automatic analysis of linguistic complexity in spontaneously produced L2 speech. A set of 34 selected measures were considered, falling into four categories: syntactic, lexical, n-gram frequency, and information-theoretic measures. The agreement between the scores for these measures obtained on the basis of ASR-generated vs. manual transcriptions was determined through correlation analysis. A more differential effect of ASR performance on specific types of complexity measures when controlling for task type effects is also presented.

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Comparing the Benefit of Synthetic Training Data for Various Automatic Speech Recognition Architectures

April 2021
Nick Rossenbach, Mohammad Zeineldeen, Benedikt Hilmes, Ralf Schlüter, Hermann Ney

Recent publications on automatic-speech-recognition (ASR) have a strong focus on attention encoder-decoder (AED) architectures which work well for large datasets, but tend to overfit when applied in low resource scenarios. One solution to tackle this issue is to generate synthetic data with a trained text-to-speech system (TTS) if additional text is available. This was successfully applied in many publications with AED systems. We present a novel approach of silence correction in the data pre-processing for TTS systems which increases the robustness when training on corpora targeted for ASR applications. In this work we do not only show the successful application of synthetic data for AED systems, but also test the same method on a highly optimized state-of-the-art Hybrid ASR system and a competitive monophone based system using connectionist-temporal-classification (CTC). We show that for the later systems the addition of synthetic data only has a minor effect, but they still outperform the AED systems by a large margin on LibriSpeech-100h. We achieve a final word-error-rate of 3.3%/10.0% with a Hybrid system on the clean/noisy test-sets, surpassing any previous state-of-the-art systems that do not include unlabeled audio data.

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Acoustic Data-Driven Subword Modeling for End-to-End Speech Recognition

April 2021
Wei Zhou, Mohammad Zeineldeen, Zuoyun Zheng, Ralf Schlüter, Hermann Ney

Subword units are commonly used for end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR), while a fully acoustic-oriented subword modeling approach is somewhat missing. We propose an acoustic data-driven subword modeling (ADSM) approach that adapts the advantages of several text-based and acoustic-based subword methods into one pipeline. With a fully acoustic-oriented label design and learning process, ADSM produces acoustic-structured subword units and acoustic-matched target sequence for further ASR training. The obtained ADSM labels are evaluated with different end-to-end ASR approaches including CTC, RNN-transducer and attention models. Experiments on the LibriSpeech corpus show that ADSM clearly outperforms both byte pair encoding (BPE) and pronunciation-assisted subword modeling (PASM) in all cases. Detailed analysis shows that ADSM achieves acoustically more logical word segmentation and more balanced sequence length, and thus, is suitable for both time-synchronous and label-synchronous models. We also briefly describe how to apply acoustic-based subword regularization and unseen text segmentation using ADSM.

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Librispeech Transducer Model with Internal Language Model Prior Correction

April 2021
Albert Zeyer, André Merboldt, Wilfried Michel, Ralf Schlüter, Hermann Ney

is justified by a Bayesian interpretation where the transducer model prior is given by the estimated internal LM. The subtraction of the internal LM gives us over 14% relative improvement over normal shallow fusion. Our transducer has a separate probability distribution for the non-blank labels which allows for easier combination with the external LM, and easier estimation of the internal LM. We additionally take care of including the end-of-sentence (EOS) probability of the external LM in the last blank probability which further improves the performance. All our code and setups are published.

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A New Training Pipeline for an Improved Neural Transducer

May 2020
Albert Zeyer | André Merboldt | Ralf Schlüter | Hermann Ney

The RNN transducer is a promising end-to-end model candidate. We compare the original training criterion with the full marginalization over all alignments, to the commonly used maximum approximation, which simplifies, improves and speeds up our training. We also generalize from the original neural network model and study more powerful models, made possible due to the maximum approximation. We further generalize the output label topology to cover RNN-T, RNA and CTC. We perform several studies among all these aspects, including a study on the effect of external alignments. We find that the transducer model generalizes much better on longer sequences than the attention model. Our final transducer model outperforms our attention model on Switchboard 300h by over 6% relative WER.

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Early Stage LM Integration Using Local and Global Log-Linear Combination

May 2020
Wilfried Michel | Ralf Schlüter | Hermann Ney

Sequence-to-sequence models with an implicit alignment mechanism (e.g. attention) are closing the performance gap towards traditional hybrid hidden Markov models (HMM) for the task of automatic speech recognition. One important factor to improve word error rate in both cases is the use of an external language model (LM) trained on large text-only corpora. Language model integration is straightforward with the clear separation of acoustic model and language model in classical HMM-based modeling. In contrast, multiple integration schemes have been proposed for attention models. In this work, we present a novel method for language model integration into implicit-alignment based sequence-to-sequence models. Log-linear model combination of acoustic and language model is performed with a per-token renormalization. This allows us to compute the full normalization term efficiently both in training and in testing. This is compared to a global renormalization scheme which is equivalent to applying shallow fusion in training. The proposed methods show good improvements over standard model combination (shallow fusion) on our state-of-the-art Librispeech system. Furthermore, the improvements are persistent even if the LM is exchanged for a more powerful one after training.

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Robust Beam Search for Encoder-Decoder Attention Based Speech Recognition without Length Bias

May 2020
Wei Zhou | Ralf Schlüter | Hermann Ney

As one popular modeling approach for end-to-end speech recognition, attention-based encoder-decoder models are known to suffer the length bias and corresponding beam problem. Different approaches have been applied in simple beam search to ease the problem, most of which are heuristic-based and require considerable tuning. We show that heuristics are not proper modeling refinement, which results in severe performance degradation with largely increased beam sizes. We propose a novel beam search derived from reinterpreting the sequence posterior with an explicit length modeling. By applying the reinterpreted probability together with beam pruning, the obtained final probability leads to a robust model modification, which allows reliable comparison among output sequences of different lengths. Experimental verification on the LibriSpeech corpus shows that the proposed approach solves the length bias problem without heuristics or additional tuning effort. It provides robust decision making and consistently good performance under both small and very large beam sizes. Compared with the best results of the heuristic baseline, the proposed approach achieves the same WER on the 'clean' sets and 4% relative improvement on the 'other' sets. We also show that it is more efficient with the additional derived early stopping criterion.

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LSTM Language Models for LVCSR in First-Pass Decoding and Lattice-Rescoring

July 2019
Eugen Beck | Wei Zhou | Ralf Schlüter | Hermann Ney

LSTM based language models are an important part of modern LVCSR systems as they significantly improve performance over traditional backoff language models. Incorporating them efficiently into decoding has been notoriously difficult. In this paper we present an approach based on a combination of one-pass decoding and lattice rescoring. We perform d...

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Effective Cross-lingual Transfer of Neural Machine Translation Models without Shared Vocabularies

July 2019
Y. Kim, Y. Gao, and H. Ney

Transfer learning or multilingual model is essential for low-resource neural machine translation (NMT), but the applicability is limited to cognate languages by sharing their vocabularies. This paper shows effective techniques to transfer a pre-trained NMT model to a new, unrelated language without shared vocabularies. We relieve the vocabulary mismatch by using cross-lingual word embedding, train a more language-agnostic encoder by injecting artificial noises, and generate synthetic data easily from the pre-training data without back-translation.....

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Learning Bilingual Sentence Embeddings via Autoencoding and Computing Similarities with a Multilayer Perceptron

June 2019
Yunsu Kim | Hendrik Rosendahl | Nick Rossenbach | Hermann Ney

We propose a novel model architecture and training algorithm to learn bilingual sentence embeddings from a combination of parallel and monolingual data. Our method connects autoencoding and neural machine translation to force the source and target sentence embeddings to share the same space without the help of a pivot language or an additional transformation....

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Language Modeling with Deep Transformers

May 2019
Kazuki Irie | Albert Zeyer | Ralf Schlüter | Hermann Ney

We explore multi-layer autoregressive Transformer models in language modeling for speech recognition. We focus on two aspects. First, we revisit Transformer model configurations specifically for language modeling. We show that well configured Transformer models outperform our baseline models based on the shallow stack of LSTM recurrent neural network layers....

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Analysis of Deep Clustering as Preprocessing for Automatic Speech Recognition of Sparsely Overlapping Speech

May 2019
Tobias Menne, Ralf Schlüter, Hermann Ney:

Significant performance degradation of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems is observed when the audio signal contains cross-talk. One of the recently proposed approaches to solve the problem of multi-speaker ASR is the deep clustering (DPCL) approach. Combining DPCL with a state-of-the-art hybrid acoustic model, we obtain a word...

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Weakly Supervised Learning with Multi-Stream CNN-LSTM-HMMs to Discover Sequential Parallelism in Sign Language Videos

April 2019
Oscar Koller | Necati Cihan Camgoz | Hermann Ney | Richard Bowden

In this work we present a new approach to the field of weakly supervised learning in the video domain. Our method is relevant to sequence learning problems which can be split up into sub-problems that occur in parallel. Here, we experiment with sign language data. The approach exploits sequence constraints within each independent stream and combines them ....

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AI and ML Technologies to Bridge the Language Gap
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